First Time?

Here are some frequently asked questions to help you know what to expect. If you have a question that you don’t see addressed on this page, feel free to contact the site pastor at the location you are attending. They would be glad to answer any of your questions.

What should I wear?

Most people dress casually but the most important thing is that you feel comfortable. We are pretty sure that your dress doesn’t matter to God so it doesn’t matter to us either.

What do I have to do?

Nothing! Just relax and enjoy the community.
We won’t make you say anything.

What should I wear?

Most people dress casually but the most important thing is that you feel comfortable. We are pretty sure that your dress doesn’t matter to God so it doesn’t matter to us either.

What do I have to do?

Nothing! Just relax and enjoy the community.
We won’t make you say anything.

How long are the services?

Each service goes for about an hour.

Do I have to bring anything?

No. We will have coffee and tea for you to enjoy during the service. If you have a Bible, bring it. If not we have one you can use.

How long are the services?

Each service goes for about an hour.

Do I have to bring anything?

No. We will have coffee and tea for you to enjoy during the service. If you have a Bible, bring it. If not we have one you can use.

Do you have an online service?

Each service goes Yes, every Sunday we have a livestream service at 9AM and 10:30AM. The livestream is also available on-demand at anytime.
You can view that here.

What do I do with my kids?

During each weekend service we offer classes and childcare. Our caring nursery staff and high-energy teachers are here to provide a safe, caring, Bible-based experience for your kids to experience in community.

Do you have an online service?

Each service goes Yes, every Sunday we have a livestream service at 9AM and 10:30AM. The livestream is also available on-demand at anytime.
You can view that here.

What do I do with my kids?

During each weekend service we offer classes and childcare. Our caring nursery staff and high-energy teachers are here to provide a safe, caring, Bible-based experience for your kids to experience in community.

What happens at a service?

The service starts with about 20 minutes of music that you can sing along to. We will have some announcements and then there is a 35-40 minute message.

What is your music like?

Our music is similar to modern pop-rock music. We play typical instruments that you would see in most modern bands, such as, guitar, drums, bass, keyboards, and such. We display the lyrics on the walls to make singing along accessible to all